Thank you for keeping up with me and my photography.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Here is part of my collection of photographs featured on The photographs are accompanied by my thoughts and feelings about the photographs.

Along with the Devils Rope Museums and other Route 66 museums that scatter across I-40 in Texas, I captured some of the most intersting sites.

For starters I got this picture of a leaning water tower. The first picture show just how far it is leaning. The second is what I would consider a perspective picture much like that of the reverse view from the Arch. The last one I would consider the "class portrait" of the water tower.

Although I cannot find any proof of why this tower is leaning or even if its still in use there is one consistancy in the information provided about it. That information is consistant is that this is one landmark that appear in Route 66 picture books almost always. The water tower is located off of I-40 in Groom, TX.

Atfer leaving the exit for the leaning water tower I followed signs for about 3 miles leading me to this cross. Also located in Groom is this gigantic cross, said to be 2nd Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere. I took these pictures via roadside.

I stopped to get fuel and did some research because I saw Bugs buried in the ground like that of the Cadillac Ranch, off of an exit one of my first times driving this stretch of the Interstate. Known as the SlugBug Ranch these Bugs are located off of I-40 on the south side of exit 96 in Conway, TX. Unlike that of the Cadillac Ranch where there is ten Cadillacs there is only five Bugs in the ground. Unlike some bugs these Bugs are welcomed in the Motel-Cafe parking lot. Upon the research of the SlugBug Ranch I found out that I was not that far from the Cadillac Ranch. The Cadillac Ranch is located off of I-40 around exit 60-62 on the South side of the Interstate.

The first thing I saw was this trash dumpster with words on it that reminded me of a certain person who would always wear his "I LOVE SOCCER MOMS" tee. I guess its more of a picture for me than it was for my readers.

Another picture for me verses my readers is this one. I love the tenth car as of now, it has an algerbriac equation that reminds me of one of my favorite teachers.

To see individual photographs of the ten Cadillacs please visit my website
The previous picture shows the long walk from the dumpster and the gate to the remarkable use of vehicles that have been turned into art that like the eARTh that is ever changing.
The next pictures show all of the Cadillacs and their unique paint jobs. These Cadillacs have been painted for many causes one being pink for breast cancer awareness. The previous picutre shows the earthy colors of the ground, grass, and sky. The follow picutres everything but the cars were turned b&w so the colors of the cars really show through.
These two pictures enhanced through photoshop. These are my favorites!
* Some of these pictures have been enhanced with photoshop.*

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